- All of Flight of the Conchords
- The freakin' Reading Rainbow theme song- Lord knows why, but this was stuck in my head about half the time.
- What's the Bizness- Tune Yards
- Roses- Outkast- It's always nice to try to find inner peace with a song that features "poo poo" blaring through your head.
- I'm Not Your Toy- La Roux
- Christmas Card from a hooker in Minneapolis- Tom Waits- Must've been a bit homesick.
- Follow the Leader- Sloan- I think I was still a little worried it would end up being a cult
- A little lost- Nat Baldwin (from Dirty Projectors)- This one has the deadly lyrics "I keep thinking about..." which would pop up constantly while trying to focus.
- Emotion- Samantha Sang- Tim J, you know the siren song of Samantha.
- The hokey pokey- I sang this a bunch for the kids and its omnipresence may be the only thing that violates the universal law of impermanence.
A Latin American travel blog designed to entertain, inform, and let a certain Barbara Swain know that I am still alive.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The soundtrack of my mind
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Oh my lord. Well, way too much has happened. And now it seems too overwhelming to sum it all up. So. I´m skipping most of it. Here´s just a couple random moments from Peru:
- Sitting next to an adorable old man in a baby blue alpaca hat, racing through the starkly gorgeous Andes on a cross country bus. He struggles to open the window, and I help him with a generous smile. Then I watch as he proceeds to casually chuck AN ENTIRE BAG of plastic bottles out the window. I feel the wind on my shocked and open mouth.
- On a hot, sweaty day, running after what I´m certain is an ice cream truck, only to find that here, it´s the garbage trucks play that song. Oh the disappointment.
- Striking up a conversation about literature with a guide at an Arequipan museum (who I did not hire) and before I know it, touring the city on his motorbike and ending up chowing down on homemade chile rellenos with his entire, charming family.
- Watching condors swoop overhead as I trek the deepest canyon in the world.
- Dancing on the beach for 5 nights in a row to impromptu concerts. Musicians make great friends.
Anyways, now Peru is far away and I spend my days teaching Ecuadorian Andean kindergarteners how to not stick crayons in their mouths. The town is gorgeous and secluded and full of ladies carrying huge loads of sticks while spinning wool. Last week we took the kids to the zoo and I´m still grinning from all the cries of ¨Mira! MIRA!¨(look! Look!) But soon I´ll be off to Columbia. Keep you guys posted.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Oh traveling.
Crazy crystal dude found me again in a square in Cuzco! I lied and said I had been looking for amethyst to wear, we went to grab Chicha (a traditional fermented corn drink) in what was essentially someone's backyard, got into a very confusing conversation with an old native woman wearing a large hat and then I begged off to sleep for my bus ride to Arequipa at 4 in the morning. I repeat: oh traveling.
Friday, May 27, 2011
La gringa idiota
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Jungle spotting
I have returned, smelly and bitten, from the jungle. Sorry for the lack of updates, the internet there was slower than a drugged-up turtle.
There's so much I planned on writing about, from the Old West-style mining towns, to monkey twins and the vagaries of third world research. But I just got off of an awful 10 hour night bus ride where, at one point, I attempted to discretely puke in my purse. So instead of detailed analysis of the rainforest ecology, y'all are just getting pictures of stuff I saw. Heck, I didn't even take half of these (wildlife photography is HARD, yo). But I saw all of these little creatures at some point, and stealing pictures from these guys is about all I'm up to at this point. So. Pictures.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
In the jungle
Friday, May 6, 2011
This is Lucha and he is my friend
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Plane in 4 hours, Peru in 24

Welcome to the inaugural post of Lisa's travel Latin America blog! As stated, our purpose here is to entertain, inform, and let a certain Ms. Barbara Swain know that her daughter has not been captured by radical vegan pygmies.